

1. How to use PayUMoney Payment Gateway in Bookdice?

2. How To Check And Export Data ?

3. Cron Job

4. How To Use Shortcode in Website ?

5. How To Check Payments Listing ?

6. How to use Stripe Payment Gateway in Bookdice?

7. How to use PayPal Payment Gateway in Bookdice?

8. How To Manage Services ?

9. Language Translation In Bookdice

10. How to use TextLocal in Bookdice?

11. How To Manage Locations ?

12. How to use Twilio SMS Gateway in Bookdice?

13. BookDice Changelog

14. How To Manage Settings ?

1. How to use PayUMoney Payment Gateway in Bookdice?

Follow below mentioned steps to easily get your PayUMoney Merchant Key and Merchant Salt Live Credentials :

Step 1: Go to PayUMoney

Step 2: If you have created an account with PayUMoney, login, else Create Account

Step 3:Enter your email address here

Step 4:Once you have logged in into your account, click on Integration Details option under Integration Help

Step 5:Here are your Live Credentials - Merchant Key and Merchant Salt. Copy them

Step 6:Now paste the keys in their respective fields on Bookdice Admin settings

2. How To Check And Export Data ?


3. Cron Job

What are Cron Jobs?

A cron job is a Linux command for scheduling a task to be executed sometime in the future. This is normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically - for example, to send out a notice every morning.

Cron Jobs run scheduled tasks at specific times. This is good to set up automated maintenance and other unmanned server duties. To create a cron job, please do the following:

Step 1: Click on the "Cron Jobs" icon inside cPanel, under Advanced.

Step 2: Select the Common Setting you want. This will automatically change the other time settings.

Step 3: Alternatively, you may adjust the individual time settings. Minute, Hour, Day, Month and Weekday can be modified to achieve your goal.

Step 4: In the input box to the right of "Command", type the name of the file type, then add a space and provide the path ( wp-content/plugins/bookdice/assets/lib/notification_reminder.php )  to the file which you would like the command to run.

Step 5: Click the "Add New Cron Job" button.

You have just created a cron job to execute a file at a certain time and date with the desired repetition.

Cron jobs are easy to edit and delete.

  1. Click on the "Cron Jobs" icon inside cPanel.
  2. Scroll down to the last section called "Current Cron Jobs".
  3. Find the correct cron job and click either "Edit" or "Delete", under Actions.
  4. Editing does not have the nice automated tools, so it may be easier to copy the Command, delete the cron job, and recreate it.

4. How To Use Shortcode in Website ?

Shortcode for display frontend in website

5. How To Check Payments Listing ?


Also admin can filter details of payments according to date showing on top.

6. How to use Stripe Payment Gateway in Bookdice?

Getting Publishable Key and Secret Key

7. How to use PayPal Payment Gateway in Bookdice?

8. How To Manage Services ?


9. Language Translation In Bookdice

Bookdice is fully translatable. You can make translation with POedit tool.To make Bookdice translation follow following steps:

Step 1 -  Install "Poedit" software on your windows/ios. Please download and install it on your system.

Step 2 - After installation open POedit tool.

Step 3 - Click on a create new translation and select your .pot file from Bookdice plugin folder. Please follow the path for select your file for translation. (wp-content\plugins\bookdice\languages) .

Step 4 - Please select language for translation .

That's all,Please let us know, if you still facing any issue.Thanks

10. How to use TextLocal in Bookdice?

Creating your API key

11. How To Manage Locations ?


Manage Locations

12. How to use Twilio SMS Gateway in Bookdice?

An SMS Gateway enables a computer to send and receive SMS text messages to and from a SMS capable device over the global telecommunications network (normally to a mobile phone). The SMS Gateway translates the message sent, and makes it compatible for delivery over the network to be able to reach the recipient.

Bookdice provide Twilio SMS gateway service free of cost. We have integrate Twilio in default in our product. Please Proceed the steps and Use Twilio On your instance.

Step 1 : Create your account on Twilio with using this link. If you have already register on Twilio then go to login and access the credentials.

Step 2 : If you are not register then Create your account here.

Step 3 : if you already register then login your account here.

Step 4 : After login you will see your Account SID  and Auth Token On your dashboard.

Step 5 : Copy SID and Token and paste in admin area Twilio settings fields. Save and proceed next.

13. BookDice Changelog

Version 4.0

Version 3.5

Version 3.4

Version 3.3

Version 3.2

Version 3.1

Version 3.0

Version 2.0

Version 1.5

Version 1.4

Version 1.3

Version 1.2

Version 1.1

14. How To Manage Settings ?
