
How Google API Work

Steps To Configure Google API Settings

To find your API Key, do the following:

  • Click in the upper left part to see a sliding sidebar. Next, click API Manager. In the list of APIs look for Calendar API and make sure it is enabled ( If its not enable then enable it first ).
  • In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
  • Go to API Key tab you can see API key there. Copy that API key and paste in admin settings. You have to enable Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding, Places API,Directions API,Maps Embed API for that API key from google console google console. https://prnt.sc/rs34gc follow this also.

Google API

  • Distance between source and destination countries with via is calculated through Google API. Also Map will display route of source to destination. If admin allow country from admin panel. Map route will display route accordingly.