
Language Translation In Octabook

Octabook is fully translatable. You can make translation with POedit tool.To make Octabook translation follow following steps:

Step 1 -  Install "Poedit" software on your windows/ios. Please download and install it on your system.

Step 2 - After installation open POedit tool.

Step 3 - Click on a create new translation and select your .pot file from Octabook plugin folder. Please follow the path for select your file for translation. (wp-content\plugins\Octabook\languages) .

Step 4 - Please save the file on given location and set the file name like oct-fr_FR.po,oct-fr_FR.mo (wordpress locale code). like

Step 5 - Please select your language in your WordPress instance.

That's all,Please let us know, if you still facing any issue.Thanks