Services - Add method, units
Before moving to this section let know the connections between services, methods, units, add-ons.
Let See the flow
You can perform following task on services
How can i add methods for services?
- You can add new method for the service by clicking the button of service page
How can i add units for methods ?
- You can add new units of methods for the service by clicking the button of in method page as shown above
How can i manage price for my units?
- Here you can easily add price for the qty of the units in units page. You will also having options for the calculations to manage price.
What kind of logic is been applied for the calculation how can i know what's the calculations logic for price?
Here we have used simple calculation logic with equal(=) and greater(>) for price.
The calculation logic.
1) if you leave this price part blank it will take multiply the qty with base price
2) if you assign equal then it will take that price.
3) if you use greater then it will assign same price for all remaining qty after that value.
but as soon as it have other value with equal then it will take that value.
EXAMPLE : Suppose you have set base price is 10. we have qty up to 10
Suppose if we have assigned values from admin are as below
Qty Price
1 = 10
2 = 9
3 = 8.5
4 > 7
8 > 5.5
10 = 4
It will treated as below in front
Qty Price
1 = 10
2 = 18
3 = 25.5
4 = 28
5 = 35
6 = 42
7 = 49
8 = 44
9 = 49.5
10 = 40